
HCBC supports the conservation of the wild birds of Howard County and beyond. This includes measures which also provide non-avian environmental benefits. The targets of HCBC’s conservation efforts include, but are not limited to, state and county legislators, local government agencies, private sector companies and private property owners. Here are some examples of HCBC’s conservation goals:

Lights Out

  • Locally, we emulate the efforts of Lights Out Baltimore to turn off outdoor lights, especially during migration
  • Replace light-polluting fixtures when necessary
  • Promote government, commercial, and home owner efforts to reduce light pollution

Safe Skies

Locally, we emulate the efforts of the MOS affiliate Safe Skies Maryland to make windows in individual, government, and private buildings safer for birds

  • Sources of materials for homeowners
  • Howard County government building standards

Successful projects:

  • Howard County Conservancy
  • Robinson Nature Center

Responsible Birding

  • Enjoy birding while limiting your resource consumption
  • Consider reducing one’s use of fossil fueled transport
  • Cooperate with other organizations seeking lower carbon footprints

Responsible Pet Ownership

  • Individual cat owners keep the animals indoors
  • Promote use of “catios”
  • Promote “Trap-Neuter-Adopt” and “Trap-Neuter-Contain” not “Trap-Neuter-Abandon.”

Influence Legislation

  • Ban or limit harmful chemicals and pesticides
  • Support federal and state support of natural habitat
  • Contact legislators on specific bills – especially the legislators from your district

Influence Policy

  • Encourage minimal impact designs during planning stage.
  • Project examples:
    • Centennial Park stream restoration
    • Sewell’s Orchard pond reconstruction

It’s up to you to contact your legislative representatives and make your voice known!

Find your Congressman:

Contact your Maryland Assembly representative:

What can you do to help birds?

Have your children make a disposable bird feeder from recycled materials. Use the PBS Kids or Natural History Museum plans.